Congratulations Graduates of Batch 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Kapatirang Plebeians UPLB Curia Congratulates the Graduating class of 2007
especially the 2007 graduates of the University of the Philippines at Los BAños.
The Kapatiran Congartulates:
Brod Franco Azucena, BA Philosophy, cum laude
Brod Karl Christian Abalos, BA Philosophy, cum laude
Sis Reika Ono, BA Communication Arts, cum laude
Sis MA. Katrina Dionisio, BA Communication Arts
Sis Aizabelle Rose reynales, BA Communication Arts
Brod Paul Irvin Rivera, BA Communication Arts
Sis Sarah KAy Paragas, BA Philosophy
Sis Carla Briones, BS Chemical Engineering
Sis Katrina Escobin, BS Agriculture
Brod Jamaal Williams, BS Agriculture
Brod Lorenzo Encinares, BS Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Brod Herbert Benzon, MS Forest Microbiology
Labels: uplb graduation
posted by uplbplebeians @ 8:27 PM,
- At May 18, 2007 4:13 PM, Sheena said...
Mga tol Congratulations sa inyong lahat! Cheers! AD ASTRA PER ASPERA!
- At June 22, 2007 1:04 PM, Luni said...
Congrats brods and sisses! Lowny Revival Batch UPLB