Razzmatazz as finale to the 2007 UPLB Fair
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Razzmatazz, the free concert from the Kapatirang Plebeians UPLB Curia rocked the final night of the 2007 UPLB fair this year. Bands like Sargostix, Firebottle, Kinetic Daze, Ephrot Act and Lucida made the audience dance and shout with their tunes.

Hundreds of expectators clamor for encore as the performers of the Razzmatazz 2007 rock their way on the last night of the UPLB feb Fair

The Kapatiran also bagged the 10,000Php prize from the office of the university chancellor for winning the best booth during the fair.
posted by uplbplebeians @ 8:58 PM,
The Kapatiran supports Chaba for USC- vice chairperson
Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Kapatiran supports Charisse "Chaba" Bañez(06C) this upcoming UPLB University Student Council (USC) Elections. Chaba is running under the SAKBAYAN party-list.
Imporetant dates to remember:
February 19, 2007- College Student Council (CSC) Meeting de avance
February 20, 2007- University Student Council Meeting de avance
february 21, 2007- USC-CSC Elections
posted by uplbplebeians @ 2:53 PM,
Razzmatazz 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
The Kapatirang Plebeians UPLB Curia will be having a free concert: RAZZMATAZZ 2007 on February 16, 2007, Friday, at the UPLB Freedom Park grounds.
This event is in cooperation with the University Student Council of UPLB in line with the celebration of the anuual UPLB Febfair.
The Kapatiran hosts a free one and a half hour of music jam for the audience.

Bands like firebottle, zargostix, checkpoint, pwapsi, and ephrot act will perform on the event.
related links: uplb fair 2007, razzmatazz
posted by uplbplebeians @ 10:06 AM,