Thursday, October 20, 2005
Last October 9 2005, Sunday, alumni of various UPLB organizations gathered around the Freedom Park to celebrate its 88th year anniversary. On that day, various alumni from various curia attended the parade and the post parade ceremonies. General Aglipay came before the parade started, but left soon because of work. On the otherhand, fellow brods from Davao paid their visit to the celebration.
Exchange of ideas and plans for the organization were discussed by the resident members together with the alumni.

Resident UPLB curia members together with fellow alumni from various curia

Residents and alumni with fellow brod Gen Aglipay

Members posed a shot before the loyalty day parade

Respect for Human Dignity, one of the battle cries of the Kapatiran

Loyalty to Principles, and not to Man, the Kapatiran belief since its establishment on 1954
**for more pictures, visit our yahoogroups acct.
posted by uplbplebeians @ 10:17 AM,